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About Us

Bridge of Promise is a local non-profit organization founded to enrich the lives of teens and adults with developmental disabilities. We do this by offering community-based day programs for adults ages twenty-one and up who have transitioned out of high school. We also provide engaging events and opportunities throughout the year for all ages of people with developmental disabilities such as; a Summer Fun Fair, inclusive Baseball Game with Seattle Prep High School Baseball Team, Friendship Dance for older teens and adults and so much more!

As a non-profit organization we rely heavily on sponsors and donors. Without the support of our sponsors and donors our program would not exist. It is with great pride that we are continuously building relationships in the community and bringing awareness of the constant need for programs for adults with developmental disabilities. The opportunities exponentially diminish for these folks after they transition from high school, leaving parents feeling like they are on their own and without support. Without a purpose these amazing special need adults regress. Bridge of Promise is doing everything possible to ensure there is a place for everyone, that everyone has an opportunity to feel purpose and that parents feel supported.