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Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services

Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services

About Us

Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services

Catholic Community Services (CCS) and Catholic Housing Services (CHS) are official human service outreach arms of the Catholic Church in Western Washington. Under the leadership of Archbishop Paul D. Etienne and Boards of Trustees, staff and volunteers answer the Gospel call to loving and compassionate service with particular concern for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death and for the dignity of the human person.

As incorporated apostolates of the Catholic Church in Western Washington, CCS and CHS have provided help and created hope in the lives of men, women, children and their families for decades. CCS was founded over 100 years ago and CHS has been in existence for more than 30 years. CCS is comprised of 12 family centers located throughout Western Washington, and the Long Term Care and Family Behavioral Health systems. Catholic Housing Services (CHS) includes permanent rental housing.

The Catholic Charities Foundation of Western Washington, established in 2002, is a 501(c)3 that ensures the future care of the poorest and most vulnerable people in Western Washington served through the programs, shelters and services of Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services.

The mission of CCS/CHS comes out of, and is rooted in, Catholic Social Teaching that goes back 2,000 years and provides a compelling challenge for responsible living as well as a deliberate preference for serving the most poor and vulnerable. This social teaching is a collection of key themes that are rooted in Scripture and have evolved over time in response to the challenges of the day.

As stated in the CCS/CHS mission statement, the organization is committed to serving those individuals, children, families and communities struggling with poverty and the effects of intolerance and racism, and to actively joining with others to work for justice. CCS/CHS serves people in need, regardless of religious affiliation, race or economic status.

The theology and traditions of the Catholic Church call us to be a dynamic part of our society, and CCS/CHS values its collaborative relationships with government. The church’s view of government is positive and we believe that our collaboration works to enhance the good accomplished toward individuals and families on behalf of society as a whole.

The Archbishop, the Archdiocese of Seattle and Catholic parishes throughout Western Washington support the work of CCS/CHS. We also receive personal contributions from many others, Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Funding also comes from contracts for services provided through our wide array of programs. These funding sources include private fees, insurance programs, corporations and foundations, cities, counties, regional entities, and the State of Washington.