LifeSpring Bellevue
About Us
Our mission is to foster stability and self-sufficiency for Bellevue’s children and their families through programs that provide food, clothing, education, and emergency assistance.
By addressing a child’s basic needs, Bellevue LifeSpring helps students focus on their education and break the cycle of poverty. Our wraparound approach includes the following programs and services:
Breaktime-Mealtime™ ends hunger by distributing Safeway food during school breaks to children enrolled in the federal free and reduced-price lunch program.
Last Year’s Impact: 3,600+ students fed
Clothes-4-Kids™ provides children with vouchers for new back-to-school clothes so they can begin their school year confident and ready to learn.
Last Year’s Impact: 660+ kids served
Educational Grants award four-year scholarships for higher education so students can achieve stability and independence wherever their futures take them.
Last Year’s Impact: Six scholarships awarded
Emergency Assistance
Emergency Assistance keeps kids stable and in their homes by providing food and basic needs, eviction prevention, and move-in assistance for families in crisis.
Last Year’s Impact: 572 children from 307 families received emergency rent assistance.
Holiday Adopt-A-Family™ matches families in need with sponsors who provide food and gifts for Christmas.
Last Year’s Impact: 1,200 children received holiday food and gift support.