About Us
Immigrant Women’s Community Center (IWCC) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. We currently serve over 225 families in direct services out of our Seattle and Bellevue offices. Our bilingual staff and a working relationship with interpreters of up to 80 languages work tirelessly to ensure that we work in culturally sensitive ways and address language barriers.
We also have several workshops and training opportunities. We are partnered with multiple community-based and non-profit organizations across King and Snohomish counties with the goal of ensuring that our families can access the services and supports that they need to survive and ultimately thrive in their new communities.
We recognize that it is challenging to start a new life in a new country, and even more complicated when someone experiences language barriers, cultural differences, and navigating unfamiliar systems.
Many of our new community members experience trauma as they make their journey to their new homes. Focused on compassionate leadership, we work to holistically meet each family’s individual needs. We make sure that they know that they are not alone.